
. she sat by the sea . bath tub recording .

she sat by the sea
and thought about Jupiter 
it was sparkling floating next to the moon

I spent a while mixing this blue
using four different colors 
inspired from a dream I had
the other night

sitting in the bath tub with 
my recorder and sounds
closed the door and the window
and made this with
an old photograph I collected
and drew on



recording dreams

recording dreams
with imaginary devices

and listening to the sounds
of the invisible 
mixed media layered collage painting

shifting things around 
and listening to Can
in the background
of the studio this morning 



. shoes with gold . transmitters .

shoes with gold
so that I can
hear you better

sitting by the edge
of the pool

(mixed media collage painting)
the print is available in the shop )



. eyes and electrical currents .

a few things I worked on last week 
inspired by last month's slow
moving pace
and at the same time
moving like an
electrical current

I have set up a sound system
a few cassette recorders and microphone
a turn table with a broken waltz
in the bathtub
and recorded the sounds
from the pipes under 
the house 

(the full field recording is on the website)