The next ten years with new art and sounds ,
walks in nature and taking care of it ,
patience and moving softly through things ,
good films , good friends and talks dispersed
with current affairs , sadness , silence
and laughter . Finding inspiration and inspiring .
Reading new books (and old favorites)
Finding new places to visit .. Adventurous places
here and far .
Hello 2020 . Slow , smooth , soft , steady , sane .
(P.s.. last night for New years eve and the last night
of the decade , we picked up crepes for dinner ,
watched The Girl on a Motorcycle and hung out with
the little animals in our warm cabin by the sea .
And while watching the movie ..
I couldn't help thinking about Marianne Faithful
and the strange obstacle filled life she has led .
This image of her singing alongside David Bowie
is somewhere in the back of my mind .)