
It's not night time but it's dark

.. A dark and still 3:33am check in ..
Heard a noise outside ..
Fugu got up to patrol the backyard . Just a raccoon . It's quiet outside but I can hear the sprinklers go on next door . The house is pitch black . I kicked a bag .

I can't get the melody of this song out of my head..
It kept playing even after I fell asleep and then was still playing
when I awoke.

{ illustrations by Harry Clarke from a 1923 
Tales of Mystery and Imagination by E.A. Poe }

I'm now sitting on the couch with Fugu next to me..
Reading about Places never to go Trick or Treating .. Ever !
I'll try to go back to sleep before it gets light.

shhh.. an exhibition by the sea ..

... shhhhh .. as she said secretly in a whisper ..

I'm in an exhibit up north by the sea ..




.. thought for a day . Kurt Kranz .

A seascape of intrigued-ment..

1930's collage 
simply gorgeous
works by
Kurt Kranz

{my thoughts on compartmentalizing}
 { I am in love with these }
{read more about Kurt Kranz.. click on images}


Dear Mr. Lynch ..

 A very Happy Birthday to you ..

{David Lynch}

And also..
Thank you for for creating such splendid all
around wonderful things ! The sounds you have 
created, have been a soundtrack and in the background 
to so many variations of my life. Your artwork and 
array of films are inspiring over and over ..

{Jack Nance and David Lynch on the set of

I will never get tired of finding new
things, angles and the sparking of
different ideas from all of your work.